GRAPHIC DESIGN: Gladiolus Festival
This year (2023) marks the 85th year of the Gladiolus Festival in Momence, IL. Every year, my client, RNK Marketing, hosts a booth at the festival selling their line of Bubbles Bath & Body, Peachtree Gourmet and Georgia Salsa, in addition to products adorning a graphic for the Gladiolus Festival.
This is the graphic that was used in past events. It has great colors and the Gladiolus are the star and focus of the image. This year, RNK Marketing wanted to update this graphic. It needed to be clean and a little modern, welcoming the path to the festivals to come, while still paying homage to the history of the festival.
So let’s get to work!
Gladiolus Festival Graphic Brainstorming Sketches.
Every logo or graphic should start with sketching. It is a great way to get ideas out of your head and let the pencil guide you. The sketches don’t have to be perfect. They help you to get an idea for layout designs and elements that might work. We needed to keep the Gladiolus flowers as the main focus of the art, working in the name and city of the event.
Now it’s time to get these into the computer…
Gladiolus Festival Graphic Versions created by CMB Image + Design
I created a few different versions for the client to review. The first is a more modern & abstract approach. The second shows the flowers in a newer arrangement. And the third takes the previous image and I transformed it to a sketch version with a ribbon banner displaying the text.
The wreath style is the one that was chosen. I created this graphic using brightly colored gladiolus blooms in a wreath shape, with the name of the festival front and center. When I finished, something was missing, though I wasn't sure what. I slept on it and had the idea of adding a butterfly perched on the text 🦋. I think that added the right amount of life and balance to the piece, don’t you?
Gladiolus Festival Graphic Created by CMB Image + Design
You can visit the Gladiolus Festival in Momence, Illinois August 9-13th. If you go, be sure to visit Bubbles Bath & Body’s booth to see and purchase items with the Gladiolus Festival Graphic I created, along with products from Peachtree Gourmet and Georgia Salsa adorning logos I also designed.
I’d love to hear what you think of this design. Tell me in the comments below.
Now that you have seen what I created for this client, what can we create together? Contact me and let’s start a conversation today!