When you're hosting an event, large or small, every detail needs to be perfect. And it all starts with the invitations. Invitations get your guests excited about your event so they won't want to miss it.
The Friends of Jones tasked me with creating a classy invitation for their Spring Fundraising event that embraced their theme of a Masquerade ball. My head immediately filled with visions of opulent historical masquerade balls and I wanted to use that look in my design.
Inspiration board for Jones High School Invitation Design by CMB Image + Design
Now that we have the theme and desired look down, next is color story. Since this is a school event, I felt it only natural to incorporate the school colors of Navy Blue and Silver as the colors.
Color Inspiration for Jones High School Invitation by CMB Image + Design
Next, I found this great ornamental font called Rosella in Adobe Fonts that captured the look I was going for.
To give the entire invite some depth, I incorporated a faint trellis design to the background. In keeping with the opulent design, I trimmed the border with scrolls and flourishes. The focal point of the invitation is the mask logo I designed, inspired by the school’s eagle mascot. More on that design here: LOGO DESIGN: Jones High School Event >
Invitation Design for Jones High School by CMB Image + Design
All of the details are on the back of the card, but for privacy purposes, I am leaving that off here. I also made up a date and removed any specific info from the front. So don't go looking for 555 Street Dr in Chicago 😉.
Overall, I love the vibe the invitation creates. What do you think? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below 👇
Could your business or event use an invitation (print or digital)? Let's talk! I am looking forward to creating a custom invitation with you!