Your business card gives off the first impression of your business. When you hand someone your card, they should be able to look at it and know what you do. You can do this using imagery or copy.
Check out this business card for @s0urskittles. Can you tell what it is she does? If you guessed creates the most amazing vivid hair colors on the planet, you'd be right!
Business cards for Prism 21 designed by CMB Image + Design
You may recognize Christine’s brilliant color work on an earlier post. If not, read that one here. Christine recently went through a rebrand. Her new company name is Prism 21. Which is so perfect if you see her work, it is a prism of color. See Christine’s work here 👉 @s0urskittles
With a rebrand, comes new business cards! It was a privilege to work with Christine again to create these new cards for her. Vivid, bold colors are her specialty. Wait! You haven’t looked at her Instagram page yet? Go give it a look real quick, I’ll wait. As you see, Christine is quite simply, magical with hair color.
Business cards for Prism 21 designed by CMB Image + Design
Not all of your clients are alike. Different imagery might appeal to different people. Therefore, we decided to create 2 cards showcasing Christine’s mastery of color. One is bold and vibrant. The other, while still colorful, is more subdued - because hey, over the top colors might not be for everyone, and this card shows how you can incorporate color into your hair too!
Business cards for Prism 21 designed by CMB Image + Design
It is easy to create something amazing when you are given art to work with like this! I think we successfully captured Christine’s talent for hair color and created a design that satisfies her range of clientele. What do you think? I would love to hear your feedback in the comments below.
Now that you have seen what I created for this client, what can we create together? Contact me and let’s create something together!